Enrolling for a course or workshop at the CNWL Recovery & Wellbeing College is easy.

Click on this link to complete an enrolment form online.

We will be in touch by email to confirm your place(s). If a course or workshop is fully booked we will contact you if there are cancellations. 

Once you are enrolled with us you can request places on future courses and workshops by emailing cnwl.mkrecoverycollege@nhs.net or by telephoning 01908 725351​​​​​​. You will not need to submit another enrolment form.


Our courses are free for:

  • People registered with a GP in Milton Keynes, including carers and families
  • CNWL staff

People outside these categories may need to pay fees to attend our courses and workshops. If you are unsure about this please contact our Milton Keynes Recovery and Wellbeing College team.

If you are not sure about which courses to attend, or would like more information about the College and what being a student here is like, we can book a one-to-one appointment for you with one of our trainers. The trainer will discuss your recovery goals with you, suggest courses that could help you achieve these goals and help you draw up an Individual Learning Plan.

The trainer can also discuss any access or support needs you may have and arrange for reasonable adjustments to be made to support your learning experience with us.

If you would like to book an appointment with a trainer, please scroll down the list of courses and workshops in the “Preferred Course” boxes on our online enrolment form and click on “Individual Learning Plan (ILP)”.

If you are using the paper enrolment form at the back of our prospectus, please tick the 'Yes' box in answer to the first question on the front page of the form.

We will then contact you to arrange an appointment.

You can book onto and attend courses and workshops while waiting for your appointment.

Quick links